THE BLACK NOODLE PROJECT – Eleonore (review)

1. Sorrow
2. Hope
3. Fear
4. Awareness
5. Resistance
6. Escape
7. Deliverance

Year: 2008
Label: B-Smile Records

A few days ago I received an ablum by The Black Noodle Project entitled „Eleonore”. To tell you the truth, this was the first time I’ve listened to that French band, but after all I’ve heard on „Eleonore”, I think that I will definately have a closer look on their previous releases.

„Eleonore” is a concept album based on a novel by Jeremie Girma, band’s guitarist. This short story is about an orphan girl by the name of Eleonore who sets up on a quest to a faraway land with a magic book as her guide. (this novel is in pdf format on th album, so I recommend it to all of you who got liking to the story itself). Eleonore’s quest is not an easy one, it’s full of dangers and music included on this CD is an interestind depiction of her adventures and feelings on her way to Dreamland.

The album is opened by „Sorrow” , a track that is depressive and heavy in style. It brings to mind Katatonia and My Dying Bride’s sound (especially some guitar passages which now and then resemble the atmosphere created by this British formation). This track sets the tone for entire album which is very similar in style. There’s no space for optymistic melodies and the music itself is as gloomy and melancholous as its cover. But calm down, there are no growling vocals and unnecessary brutal fragments. It’s the atmosphere that is put to the forefront here, its full of apprehention, tension and fear. And believe me, you can really feel unsettled while listening to the instrumental „Fear”, it is so disturbing. The atmosphere is stifling and claustrophobic, it’s a perfect illustration of what fear is about. The Fourth track, „Awareness”, is the most varied composition on the album. It starts with a rock/metal intro featuring very interesting guitar lines. This is, however, just a prelude, because after a while we are back into the realm of sorrow and dismy. Apart from the atmospheric sound in best style (there are some guitar themes, which are slow and heavy and therefore close to doom metal) this track includes elements that bring to mind Porcupine Tree’s sound. „Resistance” starts with an acoustic intro with a magnificent bass line, but it’s again just a prelude to the main part which is again heavy, depresive in style but yet very beautiful. Beyond any doubt, „Escape”is the heaviest track included on the album. Contrary to what we have on previous tracks here, instead of a delicate passage at the beginning there is a kick ass heavy intro on guitar and drums. The band deserves credid for this piece because is’s tasty and they didn’t pack any unnecesarry growling vocals and any tricks of this kind.„Deliverance”, which is a track that closes the album,”is very sad and depressive. Does it mean that Eleonore did not reach the place she was looking for, or maybe it was not the way it ment to be?? You should look for answers on The Black Noodle Project by yourself and it will be fun for you, have my word on that

„Eleanore” is very depressive. It’s one of these albums that you have to listen to from the very beginning to the very end, you cannot take any tracks out of context. This album includes seven compositions that can make an impact only if listened to as a whole. It’s heavy, its progressive and melodic, and long instrumantal passages (with great bass lines) add a special touch to it. Those who love malancholy, great feelings and complex sound structures should feel satisfied.


Piotr Michalski
translation: Gosia Michalska

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