1. Universal eye (6:43)
2. Cosmic overdose (5:11)
3. Monday breakfast (6:55)
4. No answer (7:57)
5. Another day of wonder (5:51)
6. Immortal (5:02)
7. All I really want (7:32)
8. Human equation (7:05)
9. Three (0:54)
Year: 2008
Label: Progress Records
It is thanks to a Swedish label Progress Record that I have this
opportunity to write a review on Brother Ape. As the very title of
this album suggests, III is a third release of Brother Ape – a
formation whose style could be described as prog jazz rock
(Progarchives.com). Genres aside, let’s have a look at the very music
included on the album.
„III” – this album has definately both good and bad moments, and I’ll
start with good ones. There are a few fragments that prove that band
members have the skills to make really good music. The opening track
„Universal Eye” could seve here as an example. Parts on drum are
excellent, intricate flows and twisted rhythmic patterns attract your
attention many a times, in „Monday Breakfast” acoustic guitar lines and
subtle orchiestra sounds are simply outstanding (it is one of those
tracks that have verse which is more interesting than chorus) „All I
Really Want” is brilliant, it seems that this is a real highlight of the
album. It’s quite lofty and solemn in style and makes you think about
some lonely evenings in autumn and longing for someone really close. If
the album included more sounds of this kind I would call it a
masterpiece. However, it’s about time to move to weak points.
Unfortunatelly I got an impression that vocals included on III are very
similar to one another. The lead singer sings …..but……. just
sings. Vocals are not expressive, they do not contain many emotions.
Choruses, that are not strikingly good, are another weak point here. In
fact, having listened to this album for a few times, apart from the
„All I Really Want” which I mentioned above, none of the fragments
stayed in my mind, haven’t evoked any emotions….you probably know what
I mean. I haven’t found „this thing” that makes music special.
Please do not think that I perceive this album as not worthy a listen
to, because it’s absolutelly not the thing here! It contains loads of
good music especially instrumental parts are great. You can hear that
band members are skilled musicians so you can find some fine sounds that
are sometimes hampered by vocals that are not well thought-out.
Piotr Michalski
translation: Gosia Michalska