Thanks to Absorption Music I found another very good band. You should
listen to Triad music for sure. It’s worth to spend some time, and
discover fantastic piece of prog music made by musicians from Venezuela.
„Blood + Karma” is one of the best albums I heard this year… so I
strongly recomend it… I asked some questions to the band, so you can
check the interview bellow. Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce you –
band called TRIAD.
„Blood + Karma” is Triad’s debut album. Did you write any material before?
We’ve worked before together in other projects. In fact, Triad is
somehow the result of a break up. We had this 4 piece band called Optik,
one of the guys (lead guitar) decided the band wasn’t his thing anymore
so he left. From that point the three of us decided to star all over
and we wrote the material that later became „Blood + Karma” So yes, we
have a lot of material that is not part of Triad.
I was in shock when I heard your album. Your music is very… „mature”.
What did you do before you create Triad. Did you play in any band before Triad?
Are you guys pro-musicians or autodidact?
We’ve been involved in several projects before Triad so we all kind of
had some experience and knew what it was like to be in a band. I think
that the difference this time is that we wanted to push our boundaries
and put a sort of test, test ourselves….to see if we could create
something a little bit more complex in terms of strcuture and time
All of us received some musical education and we continue to learn
things along the way, we take some lessons here and there but none of us
has a musical degree of any kind.
What does the title of the album mean?
It’s a metaphor for what the band and the album meant and means to us. A
lot of work, a lot of effort, blood and guts, sweat and tears. And the
other part is what you could call destiny, the force of what is meant to
be. We always felt this band and this album was meant to be but we had
to work very hard to make it actually happen. So that’s why its blood
and karma

What are your lyrics teling about?
Must of the origins of our music comes from emotions. And it has to do a
lot with the feeling, wit how the music makes us feel. So must of the
lyrics relate with human emotions. Some songs have stories, some are
real, some are not, there’s a little bit of everything. It’s all about
what the song needs and asks for.
I like your cover artwork and images in the booklet. That does they mean? Are the images conecting with the lyrics?
We always wanted to make an album that could be seen as a whole, as a
coherent entity. So the images are connected to the music but we don’t
to spoil anybody’s experience, we want to leave some room oto your imag
There are a lot of different noises and pauses… on Blood + Karma” –
and I have that immpression, they are important for the album… Am I
Absolutely, one of the most important things you need in music is
silence and space to process what you are listening to. We always try to
creat a lot of spaces, landscapes were people can have the room they
need to process and enjoy what they’re listening to. The noises come in
as another layer to give texture and depth, to stimulate different parts
and places, to create a more complex experience. So yes, those 3 are
key elements when it comes to our music.
Why did you chose Tom Baker to do mastering of your album?
We wanted the album to sound as good as it possibly could and we wanted
to get involved with people that understood the genre with a lot of
experience and the right ideas. Tom Baker is a monster who has worked
with bands like Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, Stone Temple Pilots and many
more…All bands that we truly admire and that were close to the sound
we were looking for. So Tom was the man.

How does your shows look like? Do you playing set with the songs from your debut album only?
We always try to play all the songs that people want to hear in our
shows, but we include some new songs too. We have a lot of material for
the next album and we want to share it and test it, see how people
reacts to the new stuff. So there’s a little bit of everything.
Nowadays bands often use animations, and images during the concerts… did you also use such things?
Yes, we do… We have some visuals and animations that come as part of
the show, a lot of lights to. Is just the three of us and that’s good
but from time to time we want to show more than just 3 guys playing a
bunch of songs. We always try to push the boundaries in terms of what we
can do to enhance the listening experience and hopefuly it will keep
developing and evolving as we go along.
What are your plans? How do you gonna promote your album?
Do you gonna play gigs outside Venezuela?
Is there any possibility to see you in Europe?
We are promoting the album in our country right now. Lots of gigs,
interviews, doing all we possibly can. After that we want to go to
europe, visit as many places as possible. We are literally dying to go
there and play for you. You have no idea. So its definetily in our
Have you got any plans regarding next studio album?
Yes indeed, we’ve never stopped writing new songs so we have a group of
new songs that we play randomly on our shows. When don’t have any date
in our minds yet but there will be another album for sure.

have to admit you are first progressive band from Venezuela I heard.
And I don’t know much about Venezuelian progressive scene condition.
Could you point any bands we should interested in?
The progressive genre is not very popular here in our country. But you
should check out this band called Mojo Pojo, you can find them on
myspace, they’re very very good.
Do you know Polish band called Riverside? I think Triad’s music has similar climat…
(I wrote the review of „Blood + Karma” and I strongly recomended Riverside’s fans to get your album… )
No man! Too bad we haven’t heard of them, we will def check them out and come right back at you with that…you have our word.
I wish you good luck and a lot of success with your debut album.
What do you want to say to Rock Area readers as an outro?
Thanks for the good wishes. We just want to say thanks to everybody
overthere in Poland we’ve the chance to get in touch with some of you
through the internet and you guys have been amazing. Extremely cool
people so thanks for all the support and hopefuly we will see each other
sometime this year. Take care and keep listening.
Interviewer: Piotr Spyra